Download Minecraft: Pocket Edition APK

Minecraft: Pocket Edition — It is an open world made up of blocks where the player can do anything: create a shelter, build their own settlement, fight monsters, explore mines, tame an animal and much more. The game has several modes: survival, creative, adventure, hardcore, and observation mode. You can generate any of the listed worlds (normal, super flat, custom, big blocks, stretch, and debug mode)

Play solo and immerse yourself in a world with plenty of possibilities. Test your fate, set out to explore the caves, and prepare to face all the horror that will await you there. But don't rush to disappointment, as only the bravest will be able to get their hands on the gems you so desperately need for your equipment.

Mancraft is a world with daily crafting, build your own armour and sword, tools for building and mining materials, build a portal to hell! You can also play together with your friends and participate in all game events, discovering lots of new and interesting content.


General points

  • ● Begin your survival in a randomly generated world.
  • ● Obtain resources for crafting, just click on the resource you want (earth, wood or stone).
  • ● The first thing you need to do is to create a workbench, it is made of any wood. The wood needs to be processed into planks, just press E in your inventory and drag the planks to the ‘Create’ icon, you need 4 blocks of planks in total for the workbench.
  • ● At the workbench you will be able to make equipment for your character. The armour will help you defend yourself against different monsters.
  • ● To survive, you need to build a shelter and start mining rare metals/resources. Such as: iron, copper, coal, diamonds.
  • ● Resources will help you craft stronger weapons and armour.
  • ● To get rarer resources like diamonds, you'll need to dig a huge mine.
  • ● The game has several armour videos: leather, iron, diamond, and neserite. As well as several weapon videos: wooden, mantel, iron, diamond, and nonzero.
  • ● The world where the player is located is called a biome. There are 87 of them and they are located in the Upper World, the Lower World and the Edge World.
  • ● Each biome has its own secrets and its own unique resources, you'll need to decide where your survival will begin.

Full walkthrough

To pass the game you need to kill the Ender Dragon, which is located in the world of Edge. To begin with, you have to create armour and weapons for battle. Diamond armour will help you be more resilient, and you should enchant it to be effective. To enchant armour, you need to find a settlement where the inhabitants live, then you need to bargain a suitable recipe for the necessary resources. Weapons and armour can be enchanted on a special ‘Enchantment Table’. When the armour and weapons are ready, you can proceed to find the portal of the Edge.

  • ● To find the Edge Portal you need to create an Eye of the Edge, which consists of an Edge Pearl and a Fire Powder.
  • ● All the resources for creating the guide are in the Lower World, namely in the Fortress, which is not so easy to find.
  • ● The player will have to fight Endermen, to obtain pearls, as well as Ifrit, to obtain fire rods, which are needed to create Fire Powder.
  • ● Having created the necessary item - Eye of the Edge, you can start searching, it is worth cancelling that the player will need more pearls than for crafting.
  • ● The Eye of the Edge can find a portal, all you have to do is use it and follow it until it falls to the ground.
  • ● As soon as you reach the desired point - start digging the entrance to the secret fortress. But be warned, there are a lot of enemies ahead of you.
  • ● When the portal is found, you need to activate it by inserting a pearl into each hole.
  • ● You have entered the world of the Edge, prepare for battle.
  • ● Ender Dragon is not only strong, but also cunning. This boss is able to heal with crystals, so you need to destroy them.
  • ● Aim at the crystals with your bow, once all are destroyed, attack the dragon.
  • ● When Ender Dragon dies he leaves behind an egg, if you want to save it you should fence the portal with blocks so you can retrieve it later.
  • ● You've won, now it's safe to explore the world of the Edge and get your hands on the trophy equipment - the shaker chest, dragon head and eliters.

Test version of the game! Back up your worlds!
By popular demand, we have added an apk without an integrated music pack.

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