Chinese nanorobots put an end to cancer

Chinese nanorobots put an end to cancer
Scientists from the Chinese Center for Nanoscience and Technology were able to create nanobots that are capable of fighting malignant neoplasms. Robots have already been tested, each of these nanorobots is 5000 times smaller than the tip of the needle. Each robot on the basis of DNA has a tubular structure, the length is 90 nanometers, robots-babies - 19 nanometers. Each robot will help to look for neoplasms and block blood supply. Thus, malignant swelling will be destroyed in the fastest time.
Chinese nanorobots put an end to cancer

Nanorobots were tested in mice that were cancer patients, a reduction in the tumor was detected, and often a complete regression within a few weeks. It's safe to say that DNA robots are safe and unlike chemotherapy, radiation does not destroy healthy tissue, nor do they accumulate in the brain, preventing the occurrence of a stroke. At the moment, studies are still being conducted to bring a new cancer medicine to life.
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