The new virus was captured by YouTube

The new virus was captured by YouTube
Experts on cyber security of Dr.Web report that YouTube has captured a new dangerous virus, its target was Microsoft Windows users. The virus called Trojan.PWS.Stealer.23012 is distributed through cloud servers, scammers simply insert links to downloading with a dangerous Trojan under the pretext of some mod or program for hacking the game. The user downloads a self-extracting rar archive to his PC, which starts collecting dаta: passwords from the browser, cookies from completely different sources, desktop data with different extensions, device location information, and a screenshot of the desktop. The Trojan saves all the data in the C: / PG148892HQ8 folder, and then wraps it in spam. zip and sends the attackers to the server. So scammers get all the confidential information about you that they can use for their personal purposes, and this: steal money, use social networks or even start blackmailing the owner.
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