In China, very ingenious smugglers were detained

In China, very ingenious smugglers were detained
Detained 26 people who used a very unusual way of transporting the iPhone across the border of Hong Kong. The police seized from the smugglers drones with very unusual threads, a length of 200 meters. Obviously, the drones could not cross the border there with dozens of reinforced packages, because the drone simply could not withstand a lot of weight and, moreover, they would be immediately hidden. To minimize transportation times and opportunities for disclosure, smugglers came up with an unusual way of transportation. They had a task: the drone had to fly the border only two times.
In China, very ingenious smugglers were detained

On the drone tied the end of the thread from the coil, where it was previously secured in the territory, and sent the drone itself to Hong Kong. Thus, a thin thread passed through the border, onto which plastic carbines with packages were later attached. In packages, there were about 10 smartphones. Now the main thing, when the thread was completely stretched, the drone simply rose up and down. The transportation process itself took about 20 seconds, in just one hour was delivered about 1800 smartphones, which coincides with the police, which claims smuggling of 15,000 smartphones overnight.
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