Pixel Launcher will receive an updated "At A Glance"

At A Glance is a very convenient and simple desktop widget. The widget for Pixel Launcher is available, it shows the current date, day of the week, time, weather and even temperature. When you click on the day of the week or date, you can go to the calendar, and if you click on the weather, it goes to Google’s weather app. But this functionality of the widget does not end, he knows how to warn about a meeting, an emergency landing on a plane, about a change in traffic, and the like. But now At A Glance has become even smarter! With a long press on the widget and then pressing the "settings", the user will go to the widget settings menu, here everyone will be able to get a closer look at the new functions. The first new setting is “reminder”, it will show you on the widget that it would be time to go for a walk, drink some water or a tablet. The second new feature is “smart prompts”, this feature takes as its foundation the tips of Google Assistant on how and what to use in this case. While these updates do not work, but some have a new functionality in the settings. It’s unknown when new features will start working, but we hope that this will happen very soon.
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