Telegram will receive a new feature "video calls"
After the pandemic caused by the coronavirus was announced, the whole world is now in quarantine, which has caused a huge need for communication through special services. The Zoom service gained great popularity, and its competitors hastily began to improve their own services. The popular Telegram messenger also decided to keep up with its competitors and, after years, will offer safe group video calls. After all, video calls in 2020 became just an integral part of the life of the whole world. At the moment, Telegram developers have not disclosed details about the new functionality, but it can be assumed that they will move towards Zoom's rival, while solving privacy problems. Those, in turn, promised to release a security update. It is not yet clear how many people will be able to join the group video chat, for example, WhatsApp increased the number of participants in a video conference from 4 to 8 people.
This year Telegram is making great strides; 400 million people use the application every month, which is 100 million more than in 2019. Telegram users love this application for its ease of use, comfortable data transfer, nice design and reliability.
This year Telegram is making great strides; 400 million people use the application every month, which is 100 million more than in 2019. Telegram users love this application for its ease of use, comfortable data transfer, nice design and reliability.
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