In honor of its birthday, Telegram pleased its users with the "Video Calls" function

On August 14, Telegram celebrated its 7th birthday, and in honor of this significant event, the developers decided to please users with a new function "Video Calls". As you know, video calls have already been tested in the beta version of Telegram for Android, iOS and macOS. Now the developers have announced the launch of the alpha version of the "Video Calls" function itself in the stable version of Telegram for Android devices. As for devices based on iOS, then, as the developers say: "the innovation will become available as soon as it becomes possible." The reason for this was the untimely work of Apple moderators, who could not test the application on time. Although the Telegram developers sent them a new version of the application a few days earlier than the official Google Play store.
To start a video conversation, the user just needs to go to the interlocutor's profile and press the button with the video camera. In addition, the user can freely switch between video and audio calls, as well as chat in parallel. All your video calls will be reliably protected using special end-to-end encryption.

But that's not all, in the future the developers promise to add group video calls. Special animated emojis have also appeared in Telegram, to use them, the user needs to go to the emoji section, select the desired one and simply send it to the chat to the interlocutor.
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