Telegram has pleased users with a new, major update

The team of the Telegram messenger is working hard to improve the quality of its application, so that every user would prefer this particular social network and use it with comfort. Telegram's 12th major update was released today, and it turned out to be the last in 2020. The new update includes: voice chats, photo editing, new stickers and other features for comfortable use.
Now every user can create their own voice chats and take part in them. Voice chat can be connected simultaneously with the correspondence, and this will not be reflected in the voice quality. Voice chat will not need to be connected all the time, it will always work, and you will be able to keep abreast of all events at work, in chats with friends or large communities. In each voice chat, you can see who is talking specifically, but if you are interested, you can join the chat. Once connected to the chat, you can safely use the application and send messages to other users. And Android owners will have access to a function that will allow you to manage voice chat even over a third-party application. In addition, in the application for computers and devices for macOS there is a function of "hotkey settings", customize the voice chat the way you like.
Telegram also got new stickers and new, smooth animation. Now you can save media files to an external drive, just choose a new download path and no longer "clutter" the internal memory of your device. And for iOS users, a function has appeared that allows the Siri voice assistant to read messages from Telegram directly into the headphones. To activate the function, just go to the settings in the "Notification" section.
It is worth noting the new features associated with image editing. Android users will be able to easily edit the photo they sent without re-uploading, for example: adding text, drawing or something else. IOS users will be able to edit the photo they received and send it again, without having to save it to the device. Previously, only one of the two presented functions was available for these platforms, but now full editing functionality is available on Android and iOS.
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