The release of Ark: Ultimate Survivor Edition on smartphones will take place by the end of the year

The Ark franchise universe continues to actively expand in the mobile space. Following the action-adventure ARK: Survivor Edition, which has already been mastered by gamers, the pages of which, by the way, are again functioning in the App Store and Google Play, the action-survival game with dinosaurs Ark: Ultimate Survivor Edition is being prepared for release.
The developers at Grove Street Games Company promise that the release will take place in 2024 for Android and iOS simultaneously and the mobile port will be comparable in its capabilities to the computer version. For example, gamers can expect to see all 150 dinosaurs appear, and it will take thousands of hours of play to complete the rich content. There is a high probability that a premium project awaits us.
The mobile version will also receive the original map and the Scorched Earth add-on, but Grove Street Games does not plan to limit itself to this. Thus, the company’s CEO announced that serious improvements to the UE4 engine would allow them to transfer other additions to the game like Survival Evolved and the entire collection of ARK maps in 2025.

The game begins with the main character finding himself on a desert island, where he will have to survive in a battle with wild nature, hunt for food, build and strengthen a shelter from attacks, grow crops, create tools, etc. The task is greatly complicated by the dinosaurs and other dangerous ancient monsters inhabiting the island, which can be tamed and turned into your transport, but this will not be easy.
The game is filled with colorful locations in which the wild jungle can be replaced by the cabin of a starship or caves, and the presence of different modes allows you to enjoy the adventure alone or in the company of like-minded people, choosing from several options the one you like best.
The release is expected at the end of the year. Perhaps they will decide to coincide with the New Year or Catholic Christmas.
The developers at Grove Street Games Company promise that the release will take place in 2024 for Android and iOS simultaneously and the mobile port will be comparable in its capabilities to the computer version. For example, gamers can expect to see all 150 dinosaurs appear, and it will take thousands of hours of play to complete the rich content. There is a high probability that a premium project awaits us.
The mobile version will also receive the original map and the Scorched Earth add-on, but Grove Street Games does not plan to limit itself to this. Thus, the company’s CEO announced that serious improvements to the UE4 engine would allow them to transfer other additions to the game like Survival Evolved and the entire collection of ARK maps in 2025.

The game begins with the main character finding himself on a desert island, where he will have to survive in a battle with wild nature, hunt for food, build and strengthen a shelter from attacks, grow crops, create tools, etc. The task is greatly complicated by the dinosaurs and other dangerous ancient monsters inhabiting the island, which can be tamed and turned into your transport, but this will not be easy.
The game is filled with colorful locations in which the wild jungle can be replaced by the cabin of a starship or caves, and the presence of different modes allows you to enjoy the adventure alone or in the company of like-minded people, choosing from several options the one you like best.
The release is expected at the end of the year. Perhaps they will decide to coincide with the New Year or Catholic Christmas.
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