Download Microsoft Excel 16.0.18324.20086 APK

Microsoft Excel — This is the official application from Microsoft. Work freely and effortlessly. Create and edit not only tables but also quality layouts. The ability to save files in the cloud servers, also a convenient search for their projects. Excel has familiar to all functions: diagrams, formulas, tables, etc. Microsoft Excel helps you analyze your projects on the go, add formulas and rearrange tables and much more.

  • • Use reliable functions for creating documents, calculations and analyzes — use Excel templates to create the table you need, edit documents, use the calculation function, create tables and format them.
  • • View and edit documents on the go — view Excel files, edit data and lists on any device. The application has everything to easily create, copy, paste or share.
  • • Visualize the data — nothing can convey data so clearly as a chart. Visualize the data in charts, use the functions to highlight what you need.
  • • Draw and create handwritten notes — thanks to another function in Excel, you can take notes, create shapes and highlight the desired using touch input.

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